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Measures for emergency

  1. When the motor pump stops suddenly.

    1) Check if the power is supplied in the cintrol panel.
    2) Check components of the control panel.
    3) Check if the over - load relay in the control panel has operated.
    4) Check wearing of contact points for the electronic switch and the main swich.
    5) Check the insulation resistance of the motor. If it is less than the leguar value then lift the motor, separate electric wires, and measure the insulation resistance. If the resistance is still less than the regular value then replace
    6) Check if the well crumbles or abnormal solid matters are inserted.

  2. Check the damages of the motor and repair them. Causes of the damages are as fllows

    1) Insulation breakage of the motor coil by over current, over voltage, or over load.
    2) Unbalanced power supply caused by wire insulation breakage.
    3) 3-phase power is not supplied because of wearing of contact points for the main switch on the control panel.
    4) The upper/lowel bearings of the motor wear down.
    5) The shaft of the motor is bent.
    6) Abnormal power is supplied because of the thundering or irregular supply power.
    7) The well crumbles or the motor operates with over load because of abrupt change of the water quality.

  3. The pump operates but the pumping head and the quantity are lowered abruptlry.

    1) Check if there is any leakage from the pipe
    2) Check if the supply voltage is regular
    3) Check ilegal function caused by aging and wearing of S-cover of the impeller
    4)In winter, check frozen explosion of the pipe. In summer, check insertion of earth and send into the well because of long rains.
    5) Check burying of the pump by earth sand from crumbles of the inner well.




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