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Storage Considerations

  1. Check the suction point where can be blocked by impurities which cannot be sucked by the strainer while operating.

  2. Allowable current of the motor pump is within 110% of the regular current, stop the motor pump when the current meter runs over 110%.

  3. If the pump generates noise or vibrates excessively then check every part and take proper actions.

  4. The insuration resistance between terminal and external frame of the motor should be more than 150 §Û with 550V insulation - resistance meter when delivered. While operating, if the resistance decline abruptiy or is stable but less than 1 §Û then repair the pump for proper use.

  5. Periodic check points

    Check points
    Check period
    On occasion
    Pumps Abnormal noise or excessive vibration
    Pumping quantity
    Oil checking and supplement
    Bearing replacement
    Impeller wearing and damage
    State of the section cover
    Wearing or danage of mechanical sealing
    Adherence of clotting to the strainer
    Motors Insulation
    10% of supply power
    Over current
    Cable damage




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Head office &1st Factory :24-20 ,Yeockgok1-dong , Pucheon, Kyeong-ki province.
Tel: 82-2-2615-6833~4, Fax : 82-2-2615-6835 e-mail : shin68350@naver.com
2 st Factory : #2Ra-412,Shihwa industrial complex,1363-11,Jungwang-dong,Shi-heung,Kyeong-ki province