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Storage Considerations

  1. The pump body is made of molding (FC 20) so that any impact might result in crack or possible damage of the pump.

  2. Keep the machine clean after use and store in a room temperature. Check cap tire cable and repair any damages.(When the pump body paint is peeled off badly, repaint the machine to prevent from rusting.)

  3. Remove a plug bolt of an oil chamber before checking a lubrication, which can be changed with a model of turbine oil #90.

  4. Impeller and S - cover can be easily disassembled by dismounting strainer before inspection. Change them if badly worn out.

  5. Avoid disassembling motor portion, oil chamber and casing section (motor, mechanical seal and bearing parts are fragile and should be inspected carefully with vacuum mater.) Contact Dong -AG.M.P. in case of this problem occurs.

  6. Motor insulation resistance should be measured in every 1,000 operation hours (550V, 200MOhm and above should be normal.)

  7. Pumps should be stored indoors. When they are stored in fields, make sure that wire terminals are sealed with insulation tape or vinyl to protect them moisture or water.




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Head office &1st Factory :24-20 ,Yeockgok1-dong , Pucheon, Kyeong-ki province.
Tel: 82-2-2615-6833~4, Fax : 82-2-2615-6835 e-mail : shin68350@naver.com
2 st Factory : #2Ra-412,Shihwa industrial complex,1363-11,Jungwang-dong,Shi-heung,Kyeong-ki province