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This, specially designed for high effocie and starting torque is a exclusive motor for a submersible pump. we are using special motor for submersible pump only, which we consider high starting torque and high effiency factor because the motor should be used in bad condition.

It is equipped with underwater resistant system made of peculiar rubber and epoxy molding . Safety ring is installed to prevent cable from being cut or taken out.

We use only cast-iron which is completely investigated under water, sp it can prevent cast-iron from leaking by blowhole.

We choose a paper bearing to endure in high temperature of high speed swing, the bearing enaerurablr against high temperature and high speed spinning will offer long life-span.

We installed a pecyliar mechanical seal which can be endured by high pressure and is perfect water proof so that life span of a submersible pump can be extended.


The impeller, main part of pump, made of special material and minimized abrasion factor by heat treatment , makes the pump work well in the worst condition.





Copyrights (c) shinshin pump manufacturing co. all rights reserved.
  Head office &1st Factory :24-20 ,Yeockgok1-dong , Pucheon, Kyeong-ki province.
Tel: 82-2-2615-6833~4, Fax : 82-2-2615-6835 e-mail : shin68350@naver.com
2 st Factory : #2Ra-412,Shihwa industrial complex,1363-11,Jungwang-dong,Shi-heung,Kyeong-ki provinc